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Preparations are well underway! Don't miss out- get your tickets and joins us at HASU on Wednesday 26th or Thursday 27th March for spectacular production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! See you all there!


Team 622 (28372) mentoring the team. Sharing their passion for building the STEM pipeline 😀


🥉 Huge congratulations to our Year 7 Netball Team for finishing 3rd place at their residential tournament!👏🏐 An amazing achievement—well done to all the players for their hard work, teamwork, and dedication! 🎉💪#HASU


We had an excellent morning taking part in the regional heat. Very happy to come away as winners of the participation prize!


Team HASU & The Booklets are ready to quiz!


Congratulations to our winning Y12 team who together with East Dulwich students won the LSE Generate Enterprise Competition at the London School of Economics!👏 Their hard work and innovation have earned them an internship at LSE. Well done!#HASU


Congratulations to our Scholars! Well done to Elizabeth and Raghav for being awarded the prestigious Arkwright Scholarship after a rigorous six-month process, showcasing their outstanding talent and dedication to engineering and design.We are incredibly proud!#ArkwrightScholars


Last Wednesday,a team of Y10 students represented HASU in Physics Tournament .The event challenged students with a range of physics-based activities, including a practical experiment on simple harmonic motion and problem-solving tasks. It was a memorable experience




Epic costumes from teachers


Here we go.! Years 7, 8 and 9


We have lots of fantastic costumes on show today - watch this space....!


Year 7 had a fantastic morning with learning about Nigeria, Onyeka and her friends and the superheroes who inspired them. The fun continued in the library with a book signing.


🎤 On Monday, two Y10 pupils, Ramya and Ibrahim, represented HASU at the Sutton Regional Final of the Petchey Speak competition! They earned their spots in the final, showcasing powerful storytelling. We’re so proud of their achievements—well done!👏#SpeakOutChallenge


Great afternoon with who spoke passionately to our Year 10s about the importance and power of storytelling. Sam also introduced us to her YA horror ‘Girls of Little Hope’. Story telling then continued with a group of students in a creative writing workshop.


We are proud to share that HASU is the TOP non-selective school in Sutton for Progress! We’re also ranked 49th nationally among all non-selective, co-educational schools for Progress 8.This is a testament to our students' hard work and dedication!#HASU


We are so excited to be welcoming to to speak to Year 10 on Monday 3rd March in celebration of Pupils can pre order 'Girls of Little Hope' to have signed by Sam on the day. Speak to Ms Lock for more information 🤩


Product Design students met Gibsons to start a collaborative project. Gibsons described the aspects of designing, manufacturing and selling puzzles/games & job roles involved. We saw samples and discussed problems they've had to solve in developing games. Thank you Emily & Kate.


We are so excited to be welcoming to to speak to Year 7 on Wednesday 5th March in celebration of . Pupils can pre order 'Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun' to have signed by Tola on the day. Speak to Ms Lock for more information 🤩

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Careers Education

Central to planning for Student Futures is our fantastic Careers Education programme.


The HASU Careers Programme is designed around the Gatsby Good Careers Guidance Benchmarks to provide outstanding personalised provision and guidance for every student.

Our Careers Motto is: Aspire. Acquire. Achieve.Careers logo 2

Should there be a relevant link to careers in the curriculum, the HASU Careers logo will be visible in lessons. During the academic year, students will also have dedicated time to Careers in their Citizenship lessons which will feature this logo.



Our Careers Team

Careers Leader

Mr D Smith, Vice Principal

020 3962 4500

Careers Adviser

Ms K Baldwin, Careers Adviser

Our Vision & Programme

Careers vision

Every year group has a careers focus which is embedded through a variety of strategies and in collaboration with  a wide range of external stakeholders. We are motivated to ensure students are able to make informed decisions at key transition points; to foster their passion for their favourite subjects and increase their awareness of the career pathways it can lead to as well as educating students on the variety of further learning pathways and supporting them to select the most appropriate to their needs.


Y7 Y13 careers focus Jan 202468

Careers education, information, advice and guidance at HASU 

We teach careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) through a variety of methods at the Academy for example: 

  1. Delivering drop down days solely focusing on careers through the IID Day Programme 

  1. Delivering careers focused assemblies  

  1. Explicitly teaching about careers in the Citizenship strand of our Personal Development Curriculum 

  1. Linking careers to our Enrichment Programme for example, the Medical society explore a wide range of careers within the NHS 

  1. By making explicit links, which includes Labour Market Information, between the content being taught in the different subject areas of the curriculum to careers 

  1. Including links to careers in our Educational Visits for example all of Year 7 go to the theatre to watch a Pantomime and study stage craft in the summer term, exploring different careers in the theatre 

  1. Ensuring students have encounters with employers 

  1. Organising encounters for students with other educational institutions  

  1. Ensuring Year 10 students explore the world of work through Work Experience in the summer term 

  1. Ensuring students have focused and meaningful meetings with the Careers Adviser 

  1. Setting students assignments to engage with Unifrog to ensure they remain engaged with careers information  

Careers Experiences Image


Unifrog is a careers platform that is used at the academy. All pupils have their own account to record a host of careers related activities for example:

  • Encounters with employers
  • Meetings with the Careers AdviserUnifrog logo
  • Recording their skills
  • Visits to other education providers
  • Recording work experience placement

Unifrog can be found here.

Assessing Impact

Once the Citizenship lessons on Careers have been completed in the spring term, students are set a quiz via Satchel One to test their knowledge and understanding. This allows us to have confidence in students' understanding. We also use data from Unifrog and Compass Plus to review our Careers Programme to ensure we provide our students with brilliant CEIAG.

Working towards the Quality in Careers Standard

We are proud to be working towards the Quality in Careers Standard which is a national accreditation awarded for the quality of:

  1. Careers education960dequalityincareers
  2. Careers information
  3. Careers advice
  4. Careers guidance

These components are aligned with a set of eight criteria referred to as the Gatsby Benchmarks; that are a gold standard for CEIAG in secondary schools. We aim to have achieved this prestigious Award by the end of the 2022-23 academic year.  

Labour Market Information

We encourage all students to regularly access the most up to date information about careers and pathways. Below, students can find a brilliant tool from 'LMI For All' that helps them to investigate information about a wide range of careers.

The Skillsometer

The Skillsometer has been designed for those who are not sure what jobs they may be interested in. Thinking about skills, interests and the ways these can link to jobs can be a helpful first step in identifying possible future jobs. The widget below allows students to take this quiz whenever they might wish.


Working with visitors, external agencies and our community

As an academy at the heart of its community we endeavour to have everyone on board with this journey, from staff, students, parents/carers, enterprise coordinator, local employers to further and higher education providers.

In line with the latest update in September 2022, in the Careers guidance and access for education and training providers published by the Department of Education and the Gatsby Benchmarks we welcome external organisations, employers, employees, Further Education providers, Higher Education providers and training providers to contribute towards our Careers Programme. Please contact the Academy’s Careers Leader, Mrs Alysia Haughton-Nicholls, Associate Assistant Principal, via email ( or phone (020 3962 4500).

Requests will be considered in line with our safeguarding policy.

Our Careers & Provider Access Policies

The most recent versions of our Careers Education Policy and our Provider Access policy can be found in the Teaching & Learning section of the Policies area of our website, here.

Further information & useful links


  • Careermap provide a free and very informative magazine called Careermag which is aimed at parents that provides a wealth of information about the labour market, prospective salaries and career pathways.


Harris careers


National careers

Apprenticeship Guide


Page Downloads