In 2023, Ofsted graded the Academy as "Outstanding" overall, and in each individual category.
Since our inception in September 2018, we have set out to create a purposeful and happy learning environment, and a fully comprehensive and inclusive Academy that supports the ambitions and aspirations of our students and their families.
We are therefore delighted to share the result of our first Ofsted report. The inspectors graded the Academy not only “Outstanding” in terms of its overall effectiveness, but also in each of the four grading categories: Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development and Leadership and Management.
The report is testament to the hard work and commitment of our students, their families, our staff, the Academy Governing Body and the Harris Federation; the 'outstanding' judgment represents a truly communal effort.
You can read the full report here, and some highlights are provided below.
The Academy's page on Ofsted's website, where the report is also published, can be found here.
"Leaders have put in place an exceptional curriculum. It is demanding and places pupils' needs and aspirations at its heart."
"All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), build successfully on their previous learning."
“Across all subjects, [pupils] develop secure and detailed knowledge. This is clear in the work that they produce and the confidence with which they talk about their learning.”
"[Leaders] work closely with teaching staff to make sure that the curriculum is delivered consistently well. Established and purposeful routines in lessons help pupils to focus fully on learning."
“[Pupils] are respectful to one another.”
“Pupils throughout the school are highly motivated, polite and courteous.”
“Pupils understand and respect the rules. This means that little reinforcement of these is necessary.”
“Pupils readily hold leaders to account. Leaders respect and act on pupils’ ideas.”
"In designing the curriculum, leaders have considered pupils’ personal development every step of the way. All staff are trained to be experts..."
“There are numerous opportunities for pupils to become leaders.”
“Character development is woven through everything that happens at the school.”
"An extensive range of enrichment activities is offered to all pupils. All pupils take part"
"Pupils are taught an extensive range of topics, all of which are carefully chosen with the aim of helping pupils to lead happy and fulfilling lives"
“Teachers work together to plan for excellence.”
“Teachers are highly skilled in selecting strategies and adaptations to ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND, fully access and excel in learning the curriculum.”
“Teachers know about pupils’ needs and how best to help them learn.”
Staff at the school “…receive excellent professional development.”
"Leaders value their staff."
"Staff are thoroughly trained in safeguarding... When leaders are concerns that pupils may be at risk of harm, they react with rigorous and relentless tenacity to ensure that pupils are protected"