Enrichment & Extra-Curricular Activities
HASU runs a rewarding and exciting Enrichment Programme to provide all students with an opportunity to participate in a fulfilling array of activities to support their personal development
Enrichment is intended to serve students well throughout their secondary school journey and beyond.
Through termly choices, students have the flexibility to tailor the depth and breadth of their enrichment experience.
Participation in enrichment is further rewarded through the IID Award.
The termly enrichment timetable can be found at the bottom of the page.
Clubs are another important strand in the Academy’s wider curriculum offer. Students will have access to a variety of clubs they can attend.
Extra-curricular Sport
At the Academy, we run a range of extra-curricular sports clubs to appeal to a range of different sporting interests. Our extra-curricular sports have a range of benefits, not only aiding physical health and mental wellbeing but also team-work skills, discipline, and competitive spirit.
There is student demand for extra-curricular sports at the Academy and we are proud to offer a board variety of sports-based clubs.
Students are given opportunities to trail out for selected sports teams such as netball and football and represent the Academy in Borough sports and Harris Federation sports competitions.
Students can also attend extra-curricular sports clubs delivered by external coaches such as SMART rider and Skateboarding.
Examples of extra-curricular sports that we offer in the academic year are:
- Basketball
- Dodgeball
- Gymnastics
- Football
- Netball
- Dance
- Street Dance
- Hockey
- Cheerleading
- Fitness & Strength club
- Cricket