Raising Achievement
On this page, you will find an overview of the provision in place at the Academy to support our Year 11 and 10 students throughout their Key Stage 4 studies. This provision is collectively known as our Raising Achievement Plan.
We understand that Year 11 is an extremely important year for children and their families. We’re confident that at HASU it will be a year that each and every child can be proud of, and we’re looking forward to working with our students and their families to make that a reality.
An overview of Year 11 2024-25
Below you will find a list of key dates this year for our Year 11 students:
Date |
What’s happening? |
19/09/24 |
Raising Achievement Evening for parents/carers and Year 11 students |
04/11/24 |
Spanish Speaking Mocks 1 |
Late November |
First Year 11 Reports home |
28/11/24 |
HASU 6 Open Evening |
20/12/24 |
Mock exam revision lists published on website |
09/01/25 |
Year 11 Parents and Carers Evening |
w/b 20/01/25, 27/01/25 and 3/2/2025 |
Year 11 Mock exams |
February 2025 |
Second Year 11 Reports home |
05/05/25-20/06/25 |
GCSE Exams |
21/08/25 |
GCSE Results Day |
Resources and advice to support Year 11s in their studies
All Year 11 students at the Academy benefit from the Learning to Learn strand of our Tutor Time curriculum.
There are a range of helpful videos and resources included in the Revision area of our Academy Website here.
The Learning Scientists provide a fantastic overview of how to study most effectively, which can be found here.
We strongly emphasise to students that preparation is key when it comes to revising as effectively and efficiently as possible. More advice on specific recommended materials and revision guides can be found in the attachments at the base of this page.
Advice for parents on supporting with revision and study
There are lots of brilliant sources of advice for parents and carers seeking to support their children. We'd like to direct you to a few great options:
Inner Drive: 10 ways that parents can help their child revise
How to help your child with their revision - five proven strategies
For Parents: 16 Tips To Support Your Child With Revision
Mock examination arrangements
In addition to the regular diet of in-class assessments, students will complete formal mock examinations during Year 11 in January. Ahead of these exams, full details including a timetable, revision lists and expectations will be published.
Information about formal examinations can be found here on our website.
Who can you contact for support?
The wellbeing and safeguarding of children at the Academy is our top priority. There are numerous avenues for support available at Harris Sutton.
All staff at the Academy can be contacted by an email to info@harrissutton.org.uk marked for the attention of that member of staff.
Should a parent or child require advice or guidance, for example help with revision strategies or exam preparation, they should please feel free to reach out in the first instance to their child’s tutor.
If you are worried about your child’s mental heath and wellbeing, please contact a member of our Safeguarding team:
- Mr Duffy, Designated Safeguarding Lead s.duffy@harrissutton.org.uk
- Miss Wiltshire, Safeguarding Administration Manager g.wiltshire@harrissutton.org.uk
If you would like to discuss an academic concern, please contact Ms Onorie in the first instance.
Study support arrangements
As students enter the final year of GCSE study, some students will benefit from additional support in certain subjects. This could be because they are struggling and need additional teacher input, or it could be because they would enjoy the structure and encouragement of their teachers while they are revising and practicing.
The Academy will offer a comprehensive Study Support timetable. A variety of sessions will run both at lunch times and after school. Some sessions will be ‘drop in’ and students can choose to attend or not. Others may be targeted, with specific students invited to attend in order to support them in achieving their best.
Study support sessions may involve different things in different subjects, but all sessions will be focused on practice and helping students to develop their knowledge and skills. Study support is not intended to be a ‘re-teaching’ exercise, but rather structured support around studying and revising.
Holiday Study Support
The Academy will run bespoke study support sessions for Year 11 during the Feburary, Easter and May Half Term holidays. Further information regarding holiday support will be publicised in the Spring Term. Please note that this should compliment, and certainly not replace, a student's independent revision.