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Preparations are well underway! Don't miss out- get your tickets and joins us at HASU on Wednesday 26th or Thursday 27th March for spectacular production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! See you all there!


Team 622 (28372) mentoring the team. Sharing their passion for building the STEM pipeline 😀


🥉 Huge congratulations to our Year 7 Netball Team for finishing 3rd place at their residential tournament!👏🏐 An amazing achievement—well done to all the players for their hard work, teamwork, and dedication! 🎉💪#HASU


We had an excellent morning taking part in the regional heat. Very happy to come away as winners of the participation prize!


Team HASU & The Booklets are ready to quiz!


Congratulations to our winning Y12 team who together with East Dulwich students won the LSE Generate Enterprise Competition at the London School of Economics!👏 Their hard work and innovation have earned them an internship at LSE. Well done!#HASU


Congratulations to our Scholars! Well done to Elizabeth and Raghav for being awarded the prestigious Arkwright Scholarship after a rigorous six-month process, showcasing their outstanding talent and dedication to engineering and design.We are incredibly proud!#ArkwrightScholars


Last Wednesday,a team of Y10 students represented HASU in Physics Tournament .The event challenged students with a range of physics-based activities, including a practical experiment on simple harmonic motion and problem-solving tasks. It was a memorable experience




Epic costumes from teachers


Here we go.! Years 7, 8 and 9


We have lots of fantastic costumes on show today - watch this space....!


Year 7 had a fantastic morning with learning about Nigeria, Onyeka and her friends and the superheroes who inspired them. The fun continued in the library with a book signing.


🎤 On Monday, two Y10 pupils, Ramya and Ibrahim, represented HASU at the Sutton Regional Final of the Petchey Speak competition! They earned their spots in the final, showcasing powerful storytelling. We’re so proud of their achievements—well done!👏#SpeakOutChallenge


Great afternoon with who spoke passionately to our Year 10s about the importance and power of storytelling. Sam also introduced us to her YA horror ‘Girls of Little Hope’. Story telling then continued with a group of students in a creative writing workshop.


We are proud to share that HASU is the TOP non-selective school in Sutton for Progress! We’re also ranked 49th nationally among all non-selective, co-educational schools for Progress 8.This is a testament to our students' hard work and dedication!#HASU


We are so excited to be welcoming to to speak to Year 10 on Monday 3rd March in celebration of Pupils can pre order 'Girls of Little Hope' to have signed by Sam on the day. Speak to Ms Lock for more information 🤩


Product Design students met Gibsons to start a collaborative project. Gibsons described the aspects of designing, manufacturing and selling puzzles/games & job roles involved. We saw samples and discussed problems they've had to solve in developing games. Thank you Emily & Kate.


We are so excited to be welcoming to to speak to Year 7 on Wednesday 5th March in celebration of . Pupils can pre order 'Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun' to have signed by Tola on the day. Speak to Ms Lock for more information 🤩

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office


















What is Science? 

Science is a way of studying and understanding the universe in which we exist, which has been developed over time and in many cultures.  We teach essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. 

Why do we teach Science at HASU? 

We seek to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics.  Science promotes an evidence-based approach to enquiry and pupils are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation.   However, science is not to be seen as a static body of knowledge, rather as a dynamic and developing accumulation of human wisdom.  Through their study of science, pupils are encouraged to test theories and look for alternative explanations.  The scientific approach helps pupils to develop as independent and collaborative learners, respecting everyone’s contribution. 

We are building links with the wider scientific community, especially in the field of medical sciences, given our location on the campus of the London Cancer Hub.  Science is presented in the wider context of STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) with visits, presentations from visiting speakers, and enrichment activities.  There is a strong focus on the many career pathways to which studying science can lead.   

Above all, we are seeking to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity through an enquiring and investigative approach.  We hope to kindle in our pupils the spirit of enquiry expressed by Albert Einstein, who said, "The important thing is not to stop questioning…  (We) cannot help but be in awe when (we) contemplate the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality." 

How do we teach Science at HASU? 

At Harris Academy Sutton, we offer a high-quality science education which provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics.  As well as developing our students’ knowledge and understanding of scientific theory through lessons in each of these three disciplines, our curriculum has an integrated working scientifically component and a clear focus on literacy and communication that seeks to develop students’ confidence in articulating their scientific ideas.  The essential skills of enquiry processes are taught throughout the course and are developed further through a series of required practicals.

We are fortunate to enjoy state-of-the-art science facilities spread over two floors, including specialist biology, chemistry, and physics laboratories, and a ‘super-lab’ that can accommodate up to 60 students for lecture-demonstrations or large-scale practical activities.  There is a strong emphasis on practical learning, ably supported by our team of dedicated science technicians.

Key Stage 3 

At Key Stage 3, pupils have one lesson every week in each of the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics. These are supported by one additional lesson every fortnight in the skills of working scientifically. The taught content is divided into ten ‘big ideas’ of Science: Forces, Electromagnetism, Energy, Waves, Matter, Reactions, Earth, Organisms, Ecosystems and Genes.  Each of these ‘big ideas’ is in turn divided into four smaller topics encountered at regular intervals so that students develop an understanding of a big idea by multiple interactions with the concepts within the idea. 

Key Stage 4 

All students at Harris Academy Sutton continue their study of science at GCSE as part of our broad and balanced Key Stage 4 curriculum.  Science is a compulsory subject in the English curriculum at Key Stage 4.  In other words, it is not an optional subject – everyone studies science in one form or another at this level. 

Students in Years 10 and 11 at Harris Academy Sutton will follow one of two courses of study: some will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics as three full GCSEs (sometimes referred to as ‘separate sciences’ or ‘triple science’); others will follow the Combined Science: Trilogy route, which is also taught as the three subject disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics but results in students gaining two GCSE qualifications. 

Whichever route students are following, their study of the Sciences at Key Stage 4 continues with the process of building upon and deepening scientific knowledge and the understanding of ideas developed in earlier key stages.  As at Key Stage 3, this is done through the subject disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics, each now enjoying three lessons per fortnight.  The knowledge and skills involved in scientific enquiry continue to weave their way through the whole specification, supported by an additional working scientifically lesson every fortnight, just as at Key Stage 3. 

Which examination board do we study at Key Stage 4? 

Students studying the sciences at HASU follow the AQA Specifications. 

These specifications can be found here: 

AQA GCSE Biology (8461)

AQA GCSE Chemistry (8462)

AQA GCSE Physics (8463) 

AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy (8464)