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Preparations are well underway! Don't miss out- get your tickets and joins us at HASU on Wednesday 26th or Thursday 27th March for spectacular production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! See you all there!


Team 622 (28372) mentoring the team. Sharing their passion for building the STEM pipeline 😀


🥉 Huge congratulations to our Year 7 Netball Team for finishing 3rd place at their residential tournament!👏🏐 An amazing achievement—well done to all the players for their hard work, teamwork, and dedication! 🎉💪#HASU


We had an excellent morning taking part in the regional heat. Very happy to come away as winners of the participation prize!


Team HASU & The Booklets are ready to quiz!


Congratulations to our winning Y12 team who together with East Dulwich students won the LSE Generate Enterprise Competition at the London School of Economics!👏 Their hard work and innovation have earned them an internship at LSE. Well done!#HASU


Congratulations to our Scholars! Well done to Elizabeth and Raghav for being awarded the prestigious Arkwright Scholarship after a rigorous six-month process, showcasing their outstanding talent and dedication to engineering and design.We are incredibly proud!#ArkwrightScholars


Last Wednesday,a team of Y10 students represented HASU in Physics Tournament .The event challenged students with a range of physics-based activities, including a practical experiment on simple harmonic motion and problem-solving tasks. It was a memorable experience




Epic costumes from teachers


Here we go.! Years 7, 8 and 9


We have lots of fantastic costumes on show today - watch this space....!


Year 7 had a fantastic morning with learning about Nigeria, Onyeka and her friends and the superheroes who inspired them. The fun continued in the library with a book signing.


🎤 On Monday, two Y10 pupils, Ramya and Ibrahim, represented HASU at the Sutton Regional Final of the Petchey Speak competition! They earned their spots in the final, showcasing powerful storytelling. We’re so proud of their achievements—well done!👏#SpeakOutChallenge


Great afternoon with who spoke passionately to our Year 10s about the importance and power of storytelling. Sam also introduced us to her YA horror ‘Girls of Little Hope’. Story telling then continued with a group of students in a creative writing workshop.


We are proud to share that HASU is the TOP non-selective school in Sutton for Progress! We’re also ranked 49th nationally among all non-selective, co-educational schools for Progress 8.This is a testament to our students' hard work and dedication!#HASU


We are so excited to be welcoming to to speak to Year 10 on Monday 3rd March in celebration of Pupils can pre order 'Girls of Little Hope' to have signed by Sam on the day. Speak to Ms Lock for more information 🤩


Product Design students met Gibsons to start a collaborative project. Gibsons described the aspects of designing, manufacturing and selling puzzles/games & job roles involved. We saw samples and discussed problems they've had to solve in developing games. Thank you Emily & Kate.


We are so excited to be welcoming to to speak to Year 7 on Wednesday 5th March in celebration of . Pupils can pre order 'Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun' to have signed by Tola on the day. Speak to Ms Lock for more information 🤩

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All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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What is Latin?

Latin is the study of  classical language, both prose and literature and classical civilisation, and how they have shaped and continue to influence and inspire the world in which live in.  

Why do we teach Latin at HASU?  

Latin is intended to provide a deep learning of western civilisation’s most influential language to immerse students in enduring ideas and values of the fascinating Greek and Roman worlds such as rhetoric, drama, innovation, and excellence. It is a subject that fundamentally contributes to the efforts of our Academy to support a wider social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of students as well as their linguistic and cultural competence.  

Our objective is to enable students to break the boundaries of time and space through an in-depth understanding of the Latin language principles and classical culture to level where students are able to understand Latin passages, discover the Latin etymology of English derivatives, improve their literacy skills, interpret ‘proper’ Latin literature with confidence and evaluate central aspects of the classical world such as  architecture, slavery, manumission, patronage, work, forum, theatre, gladiatorial games, baths, magic and superstition through authentic material and archaeological evidence. Students who study Latin will experience first-hand the uniqueness of exploring the wonders of the ancient world and they will both develop their critical skills and create keener attention to detail. They will also be prepared to make informed decisions about further educational opportunities in school and higher education and career choices (e.g. law, medicine, languages). At HASU, we believe that a thorough study of Latin should be a right given to every child who wish to study the subject. 

Extra-curricular activities such as competitions and trips are considered integral part of our curriculum to gain a deeper insight of the classical world and advance our students’ understanding and curiosity.  

How do we teach Latin at HASU at Key Stage 3? 

All Y8 students, after they have been introduced to a Romance language (Spanish) for a year, have Latin taster lessons that give them the opportunity to indicate their interest in studying Latin. Our objective, in Latin at KS3, is to revive the language by performing stories in Latin, reading aloud passages and using key phrases to communicate in Latin. The Latin curriculum at Harris Academy Sutton is designed to provide an enjoyable paced introduction to the Latin Language through the Cambridge Latin Course and develop a foundational knowledge of both grammar structures and central aspects of life in the Roman empire which will be learnt in depth at KS4. Online activities, e-learning resources (videos, images etc.) support even further the consolidation of grammar features and the understanding of the cultural part. The skills learnt through this programme of study will be to understand how Latin sentences are structured and to be introduced to different verb tenses and noun cases. Students will be required to translate extended passages of Latin and implement comprehension skills to understand the stories.  

How do we teach Latin at Key Stage 4? 

Students will have the option of studying Latin at GCSE as part of our broad and balanced Key Stage 4 curriculum. At Key stage 4, students will focus on three strands: 


  • Language: translation and comprehension 

  • Classical Civilisation: Roman Daily Life  

  • Literature: Magic and Superstition 


The first two strands are taught alongside one another over the two year of the course and the third one over the last year. The first strand will be addressed through the study of vocabulary, morphology, grammar, and syntax and the last two ones through the study of a sequence of learning questions over time, and as part of this study will engage in close analysis of archaeological evidence (videos, pictures), primary and literary sources. In a Key Stage 4 Latin lesson, students gain a profound knowledge of the Latin language by practising complex grammar structures, tackling extended written questions on how social classes experience different aspects of Roman life and author’s literature style. For both last strands, students develop their debate skills and ability to construct a sustained line of reasoning which is coherent and logically built, containing relevant evidence from across the whole theme. 


What exam board do we study at Key Stage 4? 

Students studying Latin follow the WEJC Eduqas GCSE Latin Specification. 

This specification can be found here.  

How do we assess in Latin? 

Students are assessed regularly within lessons through interactive and independent activities such as retrieval tasks, vocabulary tests, multiple choice tasks, short answer questions and lengthier ones that enable teacher identify and address misconceptions. These are often self, or peer reviewed so that students are able to reflect on their learning and improve. A continuous assessment throughout the lessons prepares students to complete their ‘learning snapshots’ that take place every half-term so that students know their strengths and what they should work more on to make progress. Students are also assessed formally in all 5 skills in a Mid- and End-of-Year assessment. 

At Key stage 4, we assess students’ understanding through a range of formative strategies that consolidate learning alongside regular opportunities to tackle examination style questions that resemble the kinds of questions students are to answer in their Latin GCSE. 

How do we use homework in Latin? 

A range of activities is set for students to consolidate classroom learning, revise core knowledge and practise comprehension, translation skills and extended written questions as well. Students complete multiple-choice grammar and vocabulary tasks that support them to complete more challenging tasks such as comprehension and translation of an unseen passage. Homework also involves short quizzes that encourage them to recall key information about classical civilisation and prepares them to collect evidence for the synthesis of their extended written questions.  

At Key Stage 4 students focus on essays about several literature themes and engage with exam style questions of all the three Latin exams such as translation, comprehension tasks as well as short and long answer questions about pictures, sources, classical civilisation and literature topics.